Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Does Online Games made you cry?

I recently played through' What Happened to Edith Finch' and as I got further into the game, the sadness of the stories being told slowly began to sink in and I had absolute tears streaming down my face by the time the credits rolled.

The game made me reflect on all the family members I've lost in the last couple of years so it really resonated with me. I was trying to think about other games that struck such a chord with me and strangely despite gambling being such a prevalent hobby in my life it's very rare that I get emotional while playing them. Perhaps the closest I've come before Edith Finch was The Last of Us opening section that really struck me hard.

Journey was a special, eerie, absolutely gorgeous experience that had me exchanging emotional messages for half an hour after credits with my co-op ' partner. ' Don't think it's going to be the same game it was when it was first published, but I'm sure those who can relate to their first playthrough.

The center of the situation had me feeling like nuts. Mainly because I have played FF7 so many times since I was released, and it's a big part of my infancy. So knowing how it ends has made it much emotionaler.

Here is the list of Special ones

The most overlooked story in a video game of all time could be Nier Automata. A Yoko Taro IMO masterpiece. So many moments of humanity in a world devoid of this. Anyone who plays I implore you to play through to Ending E and experience the most fulfilling and wholly satisfying endings and experiences I've ever played through.

Curious to know what (if any) games you guys have played that have influenced you in this way?